Postel - cream for chapped skin and calluses 50g

ingredients: Asian pennywort, benzoin, geranium, marigold, rose, comfrey
Asian pennywort: occurs naturally in South Asia, Oceania and South Africa. Used for poorly healing wounds, burns, boils, ulcers, abscesses, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, fissures, cellulitis, bedsores, bruises. Reduces excessive scar formation and skin hardening. Skin renewal is stimulated and the skin's elasticity is restored. Reduces skin contraction after burns. benzoin: is a resin with a disinfectant effect on skin problems. geranium: used for general skin care, acne, eczema, marigold: is especially soothing for the skin for all kinds of wounds, cracks, rough and chapped skin, acne, ulcers, boils, diaper rash, eczema, psoriasis, itching, cold sores , shingles, fungi, athlete's foot, warts, corns, calluses... dandruff; the oil from the kernels is used against wrinkles, dry skin, scars and pigment spots comfrey: this plant is wound healing, styptic, soothing and anti-inflammatory. That is why it is used for wounds, burns, cracks, ulcers, boils, insect bites, hemorrhoids, psoriasis, eczema, itching, flaking skin condition. It stimulates the regeneration of connective tissue and cartilage. That is why it is also used for bruises, sprains, dislocations, bumps, tennis elbow, muscle inflammation and strains. The herb promotes the healing of bone fractures. Scar formation and stretch marks are prevented and reduced.

20,50 EUR

StockIn stock
EAN - code1610000000154
CategoryOintment/cream/body lotion