Postel - derierre cream 50g

ingredients: benzoin, cypress, real chamomile, geranium, marigold, hamamelis, lavender, orange blossom, horse chestnut
benzoin: is a resin with a disinfectant effect for skin problems cypress: the essential oil from the leaf of this tree is used for general skin and wound care. The essential oil from the leaf of this tree is used in real chamomile: it is used against rheumatism, arthritis, especially red spots and swelling. Geranium: it is used for general skin care, acne, eczema, etc. marigold: is especially soothing for the skin for all kinds of wounds, cracks, rough and chapped skin, acne, ulcers, boils, diaper rash, eczema, psoriasis, itching, cold sores, shingles, fungi, athlete's foot, warts, corns, calluses.. hamamelis : the herb has haemostatic and astringent properties and has a beneficial effect on the vein walls and their permeability. That is why it is often used for hemorrhoids and varicose veins (both internal and external). Also very good for sprains, strains, muscle pain, bruises, bumps, wounds and insect bites. lavender: externally it is used for burns, sunburn, wounds and insect bites, but also for problem skin such as acne, eczema, oily skin, itchy conditions. orange blossom: has a calming and sleep-promoting effect sandalwood: this essential oil hydrates the skin. It is used for general skin care, for acne, dry and damaged skin. horse chestnut: the leaves of this tree protect and strengthen the vein walls in varicose veins and hemorrhoids. It reduces the permeability of the veins. The herb also combats its effects, feeling of heaviness, calf cramps, edema, tingling, itching, varicose ulcers. Because of its vein wall strengthening effect, the herb is also used for couperose.

13,95 EUR

StockIn stock
EAN - code1610000000253
CategoryOintment/cream/body lotion