Postel - Tea Detox Mix 100g


ingredients: artichoke, goldenrod, mate, peppermint, Siberian ginseng
artichoke: this bitter herb promotes bile formation and expulsion. Artichoke is recommended for bile disorders, to prevent gallstones and to remove bile grit. It is a real liver herb, cholesterol is lowered and arteriosclerosis is prevented. The herb is digestive, especially good for the digestion of fats. Goldenrod: diuretic, helps prevent kidney stones, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant for the urinary tract. matee: contains caffeine and therefore has stimulating properties, it is a heart tonic and intestinal motor function is strengthened. Peppermint: has a despasmodic effect on the gastrointestinal tract in case of colic, nausea, vomiting, travel sickness, and has an analgesic effect in stomach and duodenal ulcers. Promotes bile production and bile secretion and stimulates the liver at the same time. It is generally digestive. Siberian ginseng: is a general tonic, normalizes hormone balance, promotes resistance.

6,50 EUR

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EAN - code1610000000215