Postel - Cream older skin 50g

ingredients: apricot kernel oil, benzoin, real chamomile, fenugreek, jojoba, rose muscat, orange blossom, sandalwood, frankincense, carrot oil, sweet almond oil
apricot kernel oil: a pleasant, light oil that does not clog the pores and gently hydrates the skin . It is just as good for oily skin as it is for dry and sensitive skin. It is very rich in antioxidants and rich in vitamin C. Benzoin: is a resin with a disinfectant effect on skin problems. real chamomile: is anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and anti-itch. It also promotes epithelial formation, an important step in creating a new layer of skin over a wound. Fenugreek: Used in Ancient Egypt in creams to cure freckles and baldness. Skin problems like eczema, boils, ulcers, festering wound, acne, gout and corns are treated by making a paste of fenugreek seeds. Jojoba: This is a valuable surrogate for sperm whale oil. This oil has exceptional calming and soothing properties. It is used against dry skin, psoriasis and eczema and against sunburn. rose muscat: it is the oil par excellence for skin problems. It is also known as the only truly wrinkle-fighting oil and it reduces scars. It regulates the moisture balance of the skin. orange blossom: has a calming and sleep-promoting effect
sandalwood: this essential oil hydrates the skin. It is used for general skin care, for acne, dry and damaged skin. Frankincense: this resin is used for older skin, dry skin, scars, wrinkles, spotty skin. carrot oil: the oil strengthens the skin and makes it smoother and softer sweet almond oil: nourishes and softens the skin. The oil is anti-inflammatory for flaking skin conditions. It is well tolerated by all skin types, including sensitive skin and baby skin.

20,50 EUR

StockIn stock
EAN - code1610000000123
CategoryOintment/cream/body lotion