Postel - Red cheek cream

ingredients: benzoin, blue cornflower, grapeseed oil, geranium, marigold, hamamelis, palmarosa, rose, sweet almond oil
benzoin: is a resin with a disinfectant effect for skin problems blue cornflower: the flowers are used in creams against eye conditions , in skin cleansing and anti-couperose preparations. Grape seed oil: the oil has a skin-nourishing and skin-regenerating effect, it can replenish the unsaturated fatty acids in the skin. Applicable for aging skin, skin conditions, for dry and oily skin, the oil has a soothing character. geranium: used for general skin care, acne, eczema, marigold: is especially soothing for the skin for all kinds of wounds, cracks, rough and chapped skin, acne, ulcers, boils, diaper rash, eczema, psoriasis, itching, cold sores , shingles, fungi, athlete's foot, warts, corns, calluses... hamamelis: the herb has haemostatic and astringent properties and has a beneficial effect on the vein walls and their permeability. That is why it is often used for hemorrhoids and varicose veins (both internal and external). Also very good for sprains, strains, muscle aches, bruises, bumps, wounds and insect bites. palmarosa: the essential oil is used for skin care in general: acne, minor infections, scars, ulcers, wrinkles. It hydrates the skin, stimulates cell regeneration and regulates sebum production. Rose: the oil from the kernels is used against wrinkles, dry skin, scars and pigment spots. Sweet almond oil: nourishes and softens the skin. The oil is anti-inflammatory for flaking skin conditions. It is well tolerated by all skin types, including sensitive skin and baby skin.

13,95 EUR

StockMust be ordered
EAN - code1610000000390
CategoryOintment/cream/body lotion