Postel - Breast balm

ingredients: real chamomile, eucalyptus, lavender, ravintsara, thyme, fennel
real chamomile: used against rheumatism, arthritis, especially red spots and swellings eucalyptus: used to rub the chest and back to facilitate breathing lavender: applied externally used for burns, sunburn, wounds and insect bites, but also for problem skin such as acne, eczema, oily skin, itchy conditions. ravintsara: to clear the respiratory tract, can be used as a massage on the thorax and upper back thyme: helps with lung infections, asthma symptoms, provides relief from colds, has an antiseptic effect, relieves painful joints fennel: has a despasmodic and expectorant effect on the respiratory tract, is used for cough, hoarseness, bronchitis and blocked airways. Fennel increases milk production in women.

20,50 EUR

StockIn stock
EAN - code1610000000369
CategoryOintment/cream/body lotion