Carmelites Gin 0% alcohol small bottle

5 cl

Karmeliet 0%

In th 14th century pharmacists used as first th distillingtechnique for the preparation of their medicines. The alcohol dissolved the correct plants ingredients , and helped this afterwards to%stay long good 20. The production was like small-scale that this medicines fortunes costs. From this technique followed% 20then the industrial production of alcohol, that itself in the beginning of the industrial revolution a morepopular beverage was than beer and wine.% 20
The distillingtechniques refined. Today use we a combination of steamdistillation and vacuum distillation to our herbs without alcohol to process into a delicious , alcohol-free drink that together with a tonic a great aperitif .
We use exactly thesame herbs, in a higher dosage as the% $R $
How to serve:
6 cl Carmelites 0%,
200 g ice cubes
15 cl strong indian tonic.
Sixth of lemon
Slice lemon, juniper berries, twig lemon balm, marigold

5,95 EUR

StockIn stock
EAN - code1330000000168
CategoryGin, liqueur, aperitif